PROMEXX organiseert training ‘What’s new in C#’

In samenwerking met Reflection IT heeft PROMEXX de training ‘What’s new in C#’ georganiseerd. Sinds de corona-uitbraak weer de eerste ‘op kantoor’-training waarbij uiteraard rekening is gehouden met de voorgeschreven maatregelen.

De onderwerpen waren o.a.:

  • What’s new in Visual C# 8.0: Readonly members, Nullable reference types, Default interface members, Async Streams, Pattern Matching, Indices and ranges, Asynchronous Dispose, Using declarations, Static local functions, Disposable ref structs, Nullcoalescing assignment, Unmanaged constructed types, Enhancement of interpolated verbatim strings;
  • What’s new in Visual Studio 2019: Fonts & Colors, Editor Status & Code Cleanup, .editorconfig changes, Live Share, Start screen & New project dialog, Solution Filters, Search in Debug Windows, New Refactorings;
  • What’s new in .NET Core 3.0: Publishing .NET Core apps, WPF & Windows Forms, ASP.NET Core 3.0 (gRPC, Blazor), Machine Learning using ML.NET, Microsoft.Data.SqlClient, System.Text.Json, System.Threading.Channels, .NET Roadmap.
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